Quick replies

Speed up customer service with quick replies

Quick replies let businesses prompt people with the best ways to reply to a Direct Message, whether by choosing from a list of options or guiding users to enter specific text values.


Read the original Twitter docs


Quick replies behave similarly to buttons used by other messaging channels.

Types of quick replies

  1. Options List: List of up to 20 predefined options presented for a user to choose from.
  2. Location: Present an interactive map to the user to request their location.
  3. Text Input: A text field with custom label to guide a user’s text input.

Options List

The options list behaves similarly to other buttons on other messaging platforms. It can be used for start or transition type buttons (link buttons are not supported).

Twitter supports an optional description field not common to other messaging channels.

Learn more about buttons.



Twitter support usage of the meya.input_location (read docs) card to have the user share their current location using a location pin. Read more about location quick replies

        component: meya.text_buttons
            text: Where are you?
            output: button_click
            scope: flow
            -   type: location
                action: sendlocation
            sendlocation: location_out
        flow: location2
        return: true
        component: meya.text
            text: "You're entitled to your privacy."
        return: true


Single button only

There can only be one button when using the location button

Text Input

Specify the keyboard as of one default (standard text entry) or number for numeric entry. You also specify a label. The hint text in the text input. String, max length of 36 characters including spaces.



Not yet supported

Support for Text Input quick replies coming soon.