Messenger components

These components only work on Facebook Messenger and Meya's live chat


A receipt card that outputs a variety of information pertaining to a purchase.



Currently only Messenger and Meya Live chat support the receipt card.

recipient_namethe name of the purchaserRequired
order_numberthe order number (must be unique)Required
currencythe currency in which the purchase was madeRequired
payment_methoda shorthand string to show the purchase method (e.g. Visa 1234)Required
summarya summary of the purchase, including totalRequired
total_cost: the total cost of the order Required*
shipping_cost: the cost of shipping
subtotal: the total before tax
* total_tax: the total tax
elementsthe list of elements purchasedRequired
title: the title of the item purchased Required*
subtitle: a descriptor of the item purchased
image_url: an image url of the item purchased
quantity: the number of items purchased
price: the price of the item
currency: the currency of the price
addressthe shipping address street_1: the shipping address street info Required*
street_2: a second line for the shipping address street info
city: the shipping address city Required
state: the shipping address state Required*
postal_code: the shipping address postal_code (or zip code) Required*
country: the shipping address country Required*
adjustmentsthe list of adjustments made to the price name: the name of the adjustment
amount: the amount of the adjustment
timestampthe time the purchase was made
order_urla link to more purchase information

Example of a receipt card in a flow and custom component.

component: meya.receipt
  recipient_name: Nikola Tesla
  order_number: "123456789"
  currency: USD
  payment_method: Mastercard 1234
		subtotal: 42.00
		total_cost: 45.00
		- title: Red bag flux
		  price: 22.00
		  image_url: ''
		- title: Blue bag coil
		  price: 20
		  image_url: ''
    street_1: 125 Main St
    postal_code: "123456"
    city: Megacity
    state: 'OH'
    country: USA
		- name: New customer
		  amount: 5
from import Receipt

receipt_data = {
  'recipient_name': 'Nikola Tesla',
  'order_number': '123456789',
  'currency': "CAD",
  'payment_method': "Mastercard 1234",
  'order_url': "",
  'timestamp': "1465492181",
  'summary': {
    'subtotal': 42.00,
    'total_cost': 45.22
  'elements': [
      'title': "Red bag flux",
      'price': 22,
      'image_url': ""
      'title': "Blue bag coil",
      'price': 20,
  'address': {
    'street_1': "125 Main St.",
    'street_2': "Unit 100",
    'postal_code': "1234562",
    'city': "Megacity",
    'state': "OH",
    'country': "USA",
  'adjustments': [
      'name': "New customer",
      'amount': 5.00
card = Receipt(payload=receipt_data)