Meya provides a fully managed, highly scaleable cloud-based database that you can use to store data for your bot.
The Meya database is only available for Python components.
Basic concepts
- functions as a key/value database without a schema
- data is conveniently scoped to make common operations simple
and the more generictable
- the full datastore API can be accessed from within your
code - collections of data can be queried and sorted with
The kitchen sink
The following code demonstrates many of the possible database operations available to you. All access to the datastore is provided by the db
object initialized with your component
from meya import Component
class TestDB(Component):
def start(self):
print self.db.bot.id
print self.db.user.id
print self.db.flow.id
# set information
print self.db.bot.set('alive', True)
print self.db.user.set('name', "Nikola Tesla")
print self.db.flow.set('preference', "electric")
# access specific information
print self.db.flow.get('preference')
print self.db.user.get('name')
print self.db.bot.get('alive')
# retrieve all you know about your context
print self.db.bot.all()
print self.db.user.all()
print self.db.flow.all()
# all users
print self.db.users.all()
print self.db.users.filter(name="Nikola Tesla")
print self.db.users.get(self.db.user.id)
# all flows
print self.db.flows.all()
print self.db.flows.filter(foo="bar")
print self.db.flows.get(self.db.flow.id)
# we'll write some data to an `order` table
print self.db.table('order').add({'item': "A", 'price': 102})
print self.db.table('order').add({'item': "B", 'price': 50})
print self.db.table('order').add({'item': "C", 'price': 19})
print self.db.table('order').all()
# lists orders [C, B] in that order, since A > $100
print self.db.table('order').filter(
price__lt=100, order_by=['-item'])
# get the 1st order matching item=A and retrieve it's ID
order = self.db.table('order').filter(item='A')[0]
# update the order with a price
self.db.table('order').update(order['id'], {'price': 108.12})
# kind of reduntant, really. Just gets itself
print self.db.table('order').get(order['id'])
return self.respond(message=None, action="next")
Updated over 6 years ago