
How to deploy your bot to Slack teams


Slack bots are DM-only

Currently, Meya Slack bots only respond to DM messages. We will be adding responses in channels soon.

How to connect your Meya bot to Slack


A note about installs prior to Dec. 22, 2016

If you've set up a Meya + Slack bot prior to Dec. 22, 2016, you will need to follow steps 3 and 7-10 below before January 11, 2017 to maintain service.

We are transitioning from the Slack RTM to the newer Slack Event API in order to make your bot more robust.

A) on Slack:

  1. Create a Slack app
  2. Note the "Client Id" and "Client Secret"

B) on Meya:

  1. Paste the "Client Id"
  2. Paste the "Client Secret"
  3. Click "Save"

C) on Slack:

  1. OAuth & Permissions > Paste your "Redirect URI(s)". Click "Save URLs"
  2. Bot Users > Click "Add a Bot User", enter the Default username
  3. Bot Users > Turn "Always Show My Bot as Online" to "On" position
  4. Bot Users > Click "Add Bot User"
  5. Interactive Components > Click "Enable Interactive Components"
  6. Interactive Components > Paste your "Request URL". Click "Enable Interactive Components"
  7. Event Subscriptions > Turn the "Enable Events" toggle to "On"
  8. Event Subscriptions > Paste your "Request URL". Note the "Verified ✔️"
  9. Event Subscriptions > Click "Add Bot User Event". Add the event.
  10. Event Subscriptions > Click "Save Changes"

User Profile Data


No user profile data for installs prior to Dec. 22, 2016

If you installed your bot on a Slack team prior to Dec. 22, 2016, the user object will not be pre-populated due to a missing Slack team permission users.profile:read. Reinstalling the bot on the team will add this permission.

Field NameDescription
first_nameFirst name of user
last_nameLast name of user
avatar_urlProfile picture at 512 x 512 resolution. Slack provides default image if none set.
emailEmail Address
phonePhone number
skypeSkype id
titleTitle within their team