A powerful way to send your bot's users a flow at the same time
Meya allows you to broadcast a flow to all or a subset of your bot's users all at the same time. Broadcasts can be sent immediately, scheduled for later and/or be on a recurring schedule.
Audience filters
To segment which users will receive your broadcast, use the user filters available in the Audience section. Set the field_name
, the expression
(options listed below) and the value
. You can set up to 10 filters.
Note: if no user filters are set, the broadcast will be sent to ALL your bot's users.
Broadcast API
See the broadcast api docs for more flexible solution.
User filter expressions
- Equals
- Begins with
- Contains
- Exists
- Greater than
- Greater than or equal to
- Is in
- Less than
- Less than or equal to
- Not equal
- Does not exist
before sending your broadcast, check how many users match the filters you've set.
Flow used in the broadcast
The flow you set for your broadcast can be single or multi-state, check conditions, use custom components and/or all of the above. You also have the option to add data to the flow (which becomes available on flow scope) and a start action.
component: meya.conditional_equal
value1: "{{ flow.source }}"
value2: "daily_digest"
equal: equal_state
notequal: notequal_state
component: meya.text
text: Nice to see you again! Here are your top 3 stories today...
return: true
component: meya.text
text: Here are some stories you might like.
return: true
Timing your broadcast
You should time your broadcast for when you think your bot's users will be the most receptive to receiving a message. Remember to use best practices when sending a broadcast.
Before sending your broadcast, consider these rules of thumb:
- Does your message offer real value
- Make sure the audience wants this message based on preferences
- Don't send too many messages
- Send now
- Schedule for later (date & time)
- Recurring schedule - daily, weekly or monthly
Track your read and delivery events via analytics for better bot metrics.
Updated over 6 years ago