Data types

There are valid data types that you can use with the Meya Database.

Python TypeDatabase TypeNotes
strStringString is returned as unicode.
intNumberNumber is returned as float.
Therefore you should cast to int: int(value)
decimal.DecimalNumberNumber is returned as float.
Therefore you should cast to int: decimal.Decimal(value)
listListNote: Number elements are currently returned as decimal.Decimal
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from meya import Component
import decimal

class TestDataTypes(Component):

    def start(self):
        self.db.flow.set('str', str('abc'))
        self.db.flow.set('unicode', u'abc')
        self.db.flow.set('int', int(12))
        self.db.flow.set('float', float(12))
        self.db.flow.set('decimal.Decimal', decimal.Decimal(12))
        self.db.flow.set('bool', bool(True))
        self.db.flow.set('list', ['a', 'b', 'c', 1, 2])
        self.db.flow.set('dict', {'a': 1, 'b': True, 'c': "cool"})
        self.db.flow.set('None', None)
        # show the resulting data
        for key, val in self.db.flow.all().iteritems():
            print key, val
        return self.respond()
None None
str abc
int 12.0
float 12.0
list [u'a', u'b', u'c', Decimal('1'), Decimal('2')]
id _Rxxxxxxxxxxxx
bool True
unicode abc
decimal.Decimal 12.0
foo bar
bot_id _B9ppDRMoGlW
dict {u'a': 1.0, u'c': u'cool', u'b': True}