Facebook Messenger

How to connect your Meya bot to Messenger

  1. Create a Facebook App at https://developers.facebook.com/
  2. In the app, add the Messenger product.

Select the Messenger product.

  1. Open the Messenger settings page and in the Token Generation section, either select an existing Facebook Page, or click the Create a new page button and follow the Page setup instructions.
  2. Copy the page access token and paste it in the Meya Messenger integration settings page in the Page access token field.
  1. In the Webhooks section of the app's Messenger settings, click Setup Webhooks.
  2. Check off messages, messaging_postbacks, messaging_referrals, and messaging_handovers.
  1. From the Meya Messenger integration page, copy the Webhook URL and Verify token into their respective fields in the app's Setup Webhooks pop-up. Click Verify and Save.
  1. From the Select a Page drop-down menu, choose your Page. Click Subscribe.
  1. Open the Facebook Page and choose About from the left-hand menu. Scroll to the bottom and copy the Page ID. Paste it in the Page ID field in the Meya Messenger integration page.
  1. Save the Meya Messenger integration page.


"The bot isn't responding to me (or another user)!"

If the bot doesn't respond to a user, check if your Facebook app is in development mode. If it is, the bot will only respond to Facebook users who are listed in the Facebook app's Roles page as an Admin, Developer, or Tester.

Optional setup steps

  1. Add Get Started settings (optional)
  2. Add a Greeting (optional)
  3. Add a Persistent menu (optional)


Saving new Page Credentials

In order for Meya to successfully complete the authentication flow with Facebook, your app must be in "Development" mode as pictured below. This will be the case when first connecting Meya to Facebook, and whenever the Page Access Token changes (which can happen when Facebook Page administrators change their personal account passwords). If the app is "Live" and Page Credentials have changed the authentication will fail.


User profile data

The Facebook User Profile API provides the following user profile fields without requiring any additional app permissions. By default, the bot will request this data.

Field NameDescriptionApp Permission Required
first_nameFirst nameN/A
last_nameLast nameN/A
profile_picProfile pictureN/A

Accessing user profile data

User profile data is stored on the user scope and can be accessed within a flow using mustache syntax: {{ user.first_name }}, or from a Python component using self.db.user.get('profile_pic').

        component: meya.text
            text: "{{ user.first_name }}"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from meya import Component

class ProfileData(Component):

    def start(self):
        text = self.db.user.get('profile_pic')
        message = self.create_message(text=text)
        return self.respond(message=message, action="next")

Adding additional profile fields

In addition to the above fields, other user profile fields can be accessed if your Facebook app has the required permissions.

Field NameDescriptionApp Permission Required
localeLocale of the user on Facebookpages_user_locale
timezoneTimezone, number relative to GMTpages_user_timezone

To add these permissions:

  1. Go to developers.facebook.com and open your app's dashboard.
  2. From the left-hand menu select Messenger, then Settings.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select additional permissions to add from the App Review for Messenger section.

Selecting additional profile permissions from the Facebook app's Messenger settings.

  1. Go to your bot's Messenger integration settings and check off the additional permissions in the User profile permissions box. Click Save.

Select user profile permissions in the bot's Messenger integration settings.

Messenger messaging_type

All components that generate messages sent to Facebook Messenger must specify a messaging_type. By default, this will be set to RESPONSE, so no action is required on your part unless you wish to specify a more accurate messaging type.


The RESPONSE messaging type assumes that you are responding to a message from the user and are sending your response within the allowed 24-hour window or under the 24+1 policy .

Misusing a message type is a violation of Facebook policy and may result in your app being rejected.

For details on the messaging_type options, visit the Facebook documentation.

messaging_typeOne of RESPONSE, UPDATE, or MESSAGE_TAG.Required
tagIf the message is non-promotional and being sent more than 24 hours since the user last sent a message to the bot, set messaging_type to MESSAGE_TAG and set tag to one of the allowed options.Required if messaging_type is MESSAGE_TAG.

If either messaging_type or tag are set on a component, all messages generated by that component will have the same messaging_type and/or tag.


        component: meya.text
            text: "This is a community alert!"
                    messaging_type: MESSAGE_TAG
                    tag: COMMUNITY_ALERT

Messenger Checkbox Plugin

Meya lets you trigger a flow from a Messenger Checkbox plugin. This is useful for initiating a conversation with a Facebook user as part of a form submission and/or checkout process

  1. Connect your bot to Messenger
  2. Make sure you have 'messaging_optins' checked from your subscription fields
  3. Whitelist the website domain on your Messenger integrations page.
  4. Add a snippet of HTML and javascript to your web form.
  5. Create a bot flow that is invoked from the form submission.


Accessing user profile data

User data will only become available after the user has responded to the bot.

See the original Facebook docs for more detail.

Live Checkbox Demo


Notice the "Send to Messenger" checkbox in the top right

Try out the live demo here. Click Submit to get a message sent to your Messenger account.

  window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
      appId      : '{{ app_id }}',
      xfbml      : true,
      version    : 'v2.6'
  (function(d, s, id){
    var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
    if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
    js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
    js.src = "https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js";
    fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
  }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')


  $("#target").submit(function(event) {
    FB.AppEvents.logEvent('MessengerCheckboxUserConfirmation', null, {
      'app_id': '{{ app_id }}',
      'page_id': '{{ page_id }}',
      'ref': '{{ ref }}',
      'user_ref': '{{ user_ref }}'


<div class="fb-messenger-checkbox"  
 origin="{{ origin }}"
 page_id="{{ page_id }}"
 messenger_app_id="{{ app_id }}"
 user_ref="{{ user_ref }}" 
originthe full URL of the page where the checkbox is renderedhttps://meya.ai/messenger/checkbox
page_idthe id of your Facebook page connected to the bot1107638055977183
app_idThe id of the Facebook app connected to your bot803275689777262
user_refA unique identifier referencing your user. This should behave like a nonce. If you reuse a user_ref the checkbox may not appear

user_ref will be available on flow scope as {{ flow.user_ref }}
refUsed to specify what Meya bot flow is invoked. See the full spechello_world

Whitelist your domain on the Messenger integration page on meya.ai


Troubleshooting checkbox rendering

  1. Did you specify the origin parameter?
  2. Did you whitelist your domain (https only)?
  3. Did you generate a new user_ref for each page load?

Send to Messenger Plugin

Meya lets you trigger a flow from a "Send to Messenger" plugin.

  1. Connect your bot to Messenger
  2. Make sure you have 'messaging_optins' checked from your subscription fields

messaging_optins must be selected in order for this feature to work

  1. Copy/paste the button code to your webpage. Make sure you have the correct APP_ID and PAGE_ID for your bot. Specify a flow for the data-ref. For more advanced use-cases, you can also include a start action and data (see table below for syntax).
<div class="fb-send-to-messenger" 

Ref format for Send to Messenger Plugins

"hello_world+foo=bar:x=1"hello_worldnull{ foo: "bar", x: 1 }
"hello_world+action=skip:foo=bar:x=1"hello_worldskip{ foo: "bar", x: 1 }


A note about data-ref encoding

Facebook only accepts a limited number of characters for data-ref, and Meya reserves the usage of "+", "=" and ":" characters to parse the flow parameters. To be safe, only include alphanumeric and underscore characters for flow, action and data.


Tip: Use data-ref to authenticate user

It's possible to pass authentication tokens in the data-ref and this could be useful to identify your signed in users with your Meya bot in one click. You could then store the auth token with the user datastore, and then use this to make authenticated requests to your API or backend.

  1. Make sure you have the Facebook script somewhere on your page. For full details see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/plugin-reference/send-to-messenger

    window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
        appId: "APP_ID",
        xfbml: true,
        version: "v2.6"


    (function(d, s, id){
       var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
       if (d.getElementById(id)) { return; }
       js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
       js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js";
       fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
    }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));




Note from Facebook

When your app is in development mode, the plugin is only visible to admins, developers and testers of the app. In development mode, the plugin will not be visible if there isn't an active session.

Account linking and un-linking

Your bot can implement Facebook Messenger's account linking using the Messenger-specific account-linking button . Through account linking you can connect Messenger users with your users.

Once a user has logged in, the authorization_code which can be saved to your user, which you can use to connect your user with the Messenger user.

See Facebook details here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/account-linking


Auhorization code security

Do not display the authorization_code to the user, this is done purely for demo purposes.


message_account_linking must be selected for this feature to work

        component: meya.text_buttons
            text: Login to continue
            scope: user
            -   action: login
                type: account_link
                url: "https://www.example.com/oauth/authorize"
            -   text: Cancel
                action: cancel
            login: login
            cancel: cancel
        component: meya.text
            text: "Hi {{ user.first_name }}! This is your auth code: {{ user.authorization_code }}"
        return: true
        component: meya.text
            text: "No problem, you can login later :)"


Test authorization URL

In testing, you can use https://meya.ai/c/messenger/test_account_link/ as the authentication url, which simulates a login and returns authorization_code=1234567890

Account un-linking

Account unlinking disconnects the Messenger user and your user. You must use the account unlink to implement this feature.

        component: meya.text_buttons
            text: Welcome to MeStore
            -   action: logout
                type: account_unlink
            -   text: Cancel
                action: cancel
            logout: logout
            cancel: cancel
        component: meya.text
            text: "You've logged out, see you next time!"
        return: true
        component: meya.text
            text: "No problem, you can logout later :)"
        return: true