
Commit, compare and sync your bot code with a GitHub repository

As you build more complicated bots, you will likely want to collaborate with other bot builders. Meya provides a GitHub integration that makes this easy.


  1. Connect your GitHub profile (see profile page)
  2. Specify the repo name (ie. org/repo) and branch (ie. master)
  3. Commit (push), compare or sync (pull) code from the repo
  4. [Optional] Turn on auto-sync to have your bot update on any push to the branch

Specify repo and branch

Connecting your GitHub profile


Click connect and authorize Meya to gain access to your public/private repos

Commiting code


Commit local changes from Meya to GitHub.

All of your bot code will be committed to the branch you specified.



The commit operation will overwrite any files other than flows, components and intents.yaml. We are working on a solution that will ignore non-essential Meya bot files like, .gitignore, images, docs, examples.

Comparing code


Click compare to see a diff of your bot code to the repo.

Syncing code


Sync remote changes from GitHub to Meya.

Push event auto-sync

You can optionally turn on auto-sync for creating automated bot deployments on GitHub push events.


Turn on auto-sync with a checkbox on your bot repo page.

Scenario 1: automated bot deployment

  • 3 x bot developers using bots A, B, C on branches dev-a, dev-b, dev-c
  • there is one production bot P connected to branch master with auto-sync turned on
  • each developer commits code regularly
  • using GitHub, the developers periodically make pull requests from their respective dev branch to master in order to deploy their code to production
  • after a code review, the pull request is merged
  • GitHub notifies Meya of the push event via a webhook and Meya automatically updates the production bot with the latest code

Scenario 2: multiple bot syncing

  • a company creates 3 x bots that share the same source code, but each bot differs in bot settings
  • each bot is connected to master with auto-sync turned on
  • when new bot code is merged into master, all 3 bots get the latest code automatically