Filtering Logs

Learn how to quickly find logs.

Filter by user

If a particular user is reporting issues, or if you're testing your bot and only want to see logs related to your testing, filter your logs using the user tag.



Which ID?

You must search using the user's Meya ID, not an integration ID. A Meya user ID will always begin with the letter U.

Filter by integration

If you know the issue pertains to a particular integration, filter using the type tag.


Here, we're searching for all logs pertaining to Facebook Messenger.

Using deep links to share and run filters

If you have a set of filters and would rather not re-type them every time you want to run the query, you can create deep link.

  1. Go to the Logging tab. Copy and paste the address in the URL bar into a text editor. It will look something like this:<BOT_ID>/logs.
  2. Add a ? to the end of the URL followed by the fields by which you're filtering (status, type, user, and context.

If filtering by date/time use startDate and endDate with Unix timestamps as values:

You can share these queries with anyone who has access to the bot (i.e. collaborators).

Deep link examples

Deep linkDescription*messenger*Show errors from your Messenger integration.<USER_ID>&type=*messenger*Show all logs pertaining to a particular user on Messenger.

This is useful when you're testing your bot on Messenger and only want to see messages related to your testing. Also useful when a user runs into an issue, like an unresponsive bot, and you want to see the user's interaction. all logs containing the text foo bar. Note you need to URL encode the text.

What’s Next

Did you know you can log your own messages? See how, along with a full list of built-in logged events.