
Element details

type: meya.salesforce.knowledge.component.display
class: SalesforceKnowledgeArticleDisplay
path: /meya/salesforce/knowledge/component/
signature: -


fielddescription               requiredsignaturedefaulttype
specOverride the original spec for this element.nullSpec
contextSend context data with this component's event.{}
sensitiveMark this component's event as sensitive. This will encrypt the event if the Sensitive Data integration has been enabled.falsebool
triggersActivate these dynamic triggers when the component runs. Check the component triggers guide for more info.[]list
search_responseThe response from the Salesforce Knowledge search API. This is usually available in flow scope, (@ flow.get('result')), after using the
url_button_textThe text of the link button which is displayed with each article tile."Read article"str
snippet_lengthLength of the article snippet displayed in the tile body.125int
button_typeTile button type"url"ButtonType

Usage reference


triggers: - keyword: meya.salesforce.knowledge.component.display steps: - type: meya.salesforce.knowledge.component.display search_response: - id: STRING title: STRING url: STRING down_vote_count: 123 view_count: 123 view_score: 1.0 article_number: STRING last_published_date: STRING integration: integration.salesforce_knowledge


triggers: - keyword: meya.salesforce.knowledge.component.display steps: - type: meya.salesforce.knowledge.component.display spec: type: STRING data: STRING: ANY timeout: 123 trigger_when: ANY context: STRING: ANY sensitive: false triggers: - type: STRING data: STRING: ANY timeout: 123 trigger_when: ANY search_response: - id: STRING title: STRING url: STRING down_vote_count: 123 view_count: 123 view_score: 1.0 article_number: STRING category_groups: - foo: bar last_published_date: STRING summary: STRING body: STRING url_name: STRING up_vote_count: 123 locale: STRING url_button_text: STRING snippet_length: 123 button_type: text|url|static|menu|divider|action|flow_next|component_next integration: integration.salesforce_knowledge