
Element details

type: meya.voice.integration.integration
class: VoiceIntegration
path: /meya/voice/integration/integration.py
signature: -


fielddescription               requiredsignaturedefaulttype
specOverride the original spec for this element.nullSpec
enabledEnables the integration, allowing it to process events and HTTP/WS entries.truebool
filterSpecifies the GridQL to filter rx_sub, rx, tx, tx_pubentries. Check the integration filtering guidefor more info.rx_sub: true
rx: true
tx: true
tx_pub: true
verify_tokenThe token to be verified for each incoming request. You need to add the verify_token=YOUR_TOKEN query parameter to integration's webhook URL.nullstr
max_attachment_sizeControls maximum attachment size supported by the integration in bytes.nullint
markdownThe markdown features that are supported by this integration. Check the Markdown guide for more info.falselist
typingWhen set to false, all typing indicators received by the integration will be ignored.truebool

Usage reference


type: meya.voice.integration.integration


type: meya.voice.integration.integration spec: type: STRING data: STRING: ANY timeout: 123 trigger_when: ANY enabled: false filter: rx_sub: STRING rx: STRING tx: STRING tx_pub: STRING verify_token: STRING max_attachment_size: 123 markdown: - format|linkify|breaks|typographer typing: false