The basics of subscribing to Meya event webhooks

You can use webhooks to receive notifications about events such as message delivery, users created and objects modified.

In order to handle these events, you register a "Webhook URL" with the "API & Webhook" integration and choose which events to subscribe to.


Interested in integrating Meya in to your own app?

See the custom app integration section. You will need to subscribe to the text and (optionally) typing events.

List of events

textSent when a user message is received or a bot message is sent. Useful for creating custom app integrations. linkCurrently only applies to webhook integration
typingSent when typing indicator is turned on or off by the bot.
Currently only applies to webhook integration
userSent when user scope data is created, modified, or deleted linkPaid plan required
tableSent when table scope data is created, modified, or deleted linkPaid plan required


Missing something?

We will be expanding the number of events that you can subscribe to over time. Please contact or reach out on Slack if you have a specific use-case in mind.

How events are sent

When an event in your subscription occurs we'll send an HTTP POST request to your Webhook URL saved with your API & Webhook integration. The event will be in the Content-Type: application/json format:

    "user_id": "1234567890",
    "sender": "bot|user",
    "timestamp": 1487101588.395739,
    "type": "type_of_event",
    "bot_id": "Bxxxxxxx",
    "event_specific_field": "value"

Responding to events

Your app should respond to the event request with an HTTP 2xx within three seconds. If it does not, we'll consider the event delivery attempt failed.


No retries

Currently, Meya will not retry on webhook delivery failure.

We recommend responding to events with a HTTP 200 OK as soon as you can. You may want to avoid processing and reacting to events within the same process handling event reception.


Setup your webhook URL and event subscriptions